Are there any differences in grammar between the 'mass noun' torment and the 'count noun' torment.
For Example :
Waking me up all the time when I am asleep is torment. (mass noun)
Waking me up all the time when I am asleep is a torment (count noun)
This is torment. (mass noun) or This is a torment. (count noun)
Swearing is torment. (mass noun) or Swearing is a torment. (count noun)
Are there any differences between the usage of the mass noun, and the count noun, and which of the above sentences would be correct, in usage and grammar? Secondly, does the 'count noun' a torment change to 'torments' when there is a plural noun?
For Example :
Fights are a torment.
Fights are torments (Plural count noun)
Does grammar require one to use a plural noun when the subject of the sentence begins with a plural noun?
Does the 'count noun' (a torment) describe something or someone that harasses, or pesters, and does the mass noun (torment) describe mental, or physical suffering? Or can both nouns be used in the same manner to mean, annoyance, or harassment?.