The French term democrature (from democratie + dictature) is defined as:
Dictature déguisée en démocratie par l’organisation d’élections non libres, contrôlées et/ou frauduleuses. Par extension, tout système visant à contrôler des élections, et y parvenant. That is: (Dictatorship disguised as a democracy by the organization of non-free, controlled and / or fraudulent elections. By extension, any system aiming to control elections, and succeeding in doing so.)
The Italian term democratura (democrazia + dittatura) with the same meaning, is present in main dictionaries.
In English the literal translation is democraship, a term about which the only reference I could find is from a blog of Dr. Adizes:
“Democraship,” is a term coined by Dr. Adizes that defines the conflict that exists between democratic and dictatorial systems.
whose definition appears to differ from the French or Italian one, plus I couldn’t find the term in any dictionary.
Is there an established English term for “democrature” with the sense given by the French definition?