- My team Prevailed in ABC XYZ competition
Note, the definition itself doesn't exactly meet the letter of your question yet it might meet the spirit rhetorically
[Definition of prevail][1] at Websters
intransitive verb
1: to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : TRIUMPH
2: to be or become effective or effectual
3: to use persuasion successfully
prevailed on him to sing
4: to be frequent : PREDOMINATE
the west winds that prevail in the mountains
5: to be or continue in use or fashion : PERSIST
a custom that still prevails
Prevail is dramatic and brings with it a suggestion of an arduous challenge with each definition getting some color from the other I "feel" (subjective here)
I take it that you hope to be asked about details of what you list and have a story of perseverance and more you hope to be asked about? This word might trigger that ...
... yet be ready for a pshaw or eye roll if what you led was rather routine and unremarkable!
a few more thoughts - while 'prevail' does not itself suggest leadership it brings a sort of "moral strength" flavor - not only were you good but you faced challenge and adversity with poise and steadyness - different that say "finished first" or "outshone" or "captain of winning team" (which says nothing of the nature of your contribution or suggests you even broke a sweat ?)
Also as you mention specifically that you had to encourage or prod group members some of the "persuasion" definition 3 fits nicely alongside 1 - and that your team wone had something to do with the "continuing at it" aspects of 4 and 5
Leader or not? "my" alone doesn't necessarily claim "leadership" but, it softly suggests a good bit more than merely being 'on' the team - enough so that it might be cheeky to say 'my' team if you were sitting on the bench or an also ran - I'd say it implies you were at least a leader on it?