Someone who is on the bleeding edge deals with unreliable, untested, and (with regard to tools) largely unused tools, products and information. With that in mind, there are a few words and phrases you can use that focus on particular aspects of his up-to-date-ness.
Prophetically Informed adjective
Prophetically: predictive; presageful or portentous; ominous
This is a phrase you could use ironically. More of the information in the encyclopedia will be relevant in 6 months than of the information that he has, due to the fact that only a portion of bleeding edge information, tools, and products withstand the rigors of time. Some of the things he is focused on will make it, though - making him feel like a prophet simply because he knew that "Product X was so much better than the current industry standard, Product Y." You could also call him a "<Field> Prophet."
Consultant noun
a person who gives professional or expert advice
Whether he is or is not a consultant is irrelevant. Consultants in a given field stay up-to-date on the tools, products, and information in their field.
Scientist of <Field> noun
This phrase is on the fact that he is relying on early experimental data. It does not necessarily convey the idea of unreliability, though.
Bleeding Edge Professional or Bleeding Edge <Field> Professional noun
This phrase conveys the idea of bleeding edge in a noun. It insinuates that he is not focused on established technologies, but just those that are bleeding edge.
Early Adopter noun
This phrase could be used dismissively, to focus on the fact that he has adopted a tool or product before the industry or many others have. It also conveys the idea of unreliability. The use of the word "early" explicitly makes it clear that it may be too soon for someone to be concerned about these technologies.
Alpha (or Beta) Tester noun
This phrase, used as hyperbole, indicates that he is using information, products, or tools that are barely tested at all, and also strongly conveys the idea of unreliability.
Ultramodern adjective
very advanced in ideas, design, or techniques.
Vogue noun
something in fashion, as at a particular time
This word describes what he is familiar with, rather than what he is.