It is not one of the usual terms that are used for speaking of the quality of a piece of writing. In other words, as used, it is not very idiomatic. To compound the incertitude there is the fact that you don't know whether the inconvenience was caused to the writer or to the reader, but in the end this might not matter.
The definition (not useful to you because it does not save you time or causes a problem), strictly applied, makes sense: for instance, if you use more words than are needed or explain things that are not relevant, then you are causing yourself an inconvenience since you make things more complicated than they have to be; as well this is an inconvenience for the reader. A usual term for this type of writing is "wordiness". However, you do not tell bluntly people that their writing is wordy, it is quite offending. You can do that when involved in an interaction concerning the skill of writing, as for instance in a teacher-student interaction. So, perhaps, your interlocutor is trying to be as polite as possible, and that leads him/her astray as far as using the proper terms. The problem could be other than wordiness, that was just the most typical example.