What is a word that can be used to describe the slow yet unstoppable progress of time? Something like (but not exactly) inevitable. I remember reading this phrase in a book but the exact word evades my memory.


1 Answer 1



continuing without any possibility of being stopped

  • the inexorable progress of science


Or in your case...

The inexorable passage of time.

  • 1
    +1 I have also heard "the inexorable march of time"...BTW, you have racked up an impressive number of gold badges, mostly from review queue. Thank you for your efforts. Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 18:14
  • Just repeating what Cascabel has said: Thank you for your efforts, @KillingTime.
    – user405662
    Commented Feb 9, 2021 at 19:49

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