I am currently writing the literature review portion of my dissertation and I find that I am being quite wordy when attempting to describe what a layman would conceptualize as an "image". That is, an optical RGB image, for example a picture of a dog. Specifically in relation to other forms of electromagnetically sensed imagery like multispectral, infrared, and hyperspectral imagery.
Throughout my work I make the distinction that electromagnetic radiation collected by an imaging sensor produces imagery. That imagery can be of a specific type e.g. multispectral, infrared, hyperspectral, optical RGB, etc. But I also wish to refer to the common conceptualization of a "plain old picture image" that anyone would understand.
To do so I have found myself using the term "optical RGB" quite often, it's the only terminology that seems to describe "a plain old picture" in relation to the other forms of imagery described.
Is there a better term I could use in this context to switch between the corpus specific imagery and layman specific image?
Example of usage: "The surfeit of research in deep learning aimed at semantic segmentation of optical RGB images naturally lends itself in applications to hyperspectral imagery"