I'm looking for a strong size modifier like "numerous", "countless", or "copious" that I can use to modify a mass noun. I know of plenty of options that involve several words, like "a lot of", "a huge amount of", "large quantities of", and so on, but I can't think of any that are only a word or two.
Mass Nouns
Mass nouns, also known as uncountable nouns, are words like "rice", "water", and "bread" that can't be described with a quantity like other (countable) nouns. I ate 4 rices or I drank several waters don't really make sense, you have to use special modifiers like "some" and "much" (I baked so much bread the other day), but there are a lot fewer of these special modifiers.
The Ultimate Question
Does anyone know of one or two words that can fit in the following sentences to indicate A LOT:
I've baked ______ bread throughout my 27 years in the baker.
Wikipedia has ______ information about a myriad of topics.