Should the currency sign (¤) come before, or after the amount of money?
Should it be "¤ 1.00", or "1.00 ¤"?
Should there be a space between ¤ and the amount?
Should the currency sign (¤) come before, or after the amount of money?
Should it be "¤ 1.00", or "1.00 ¤"?
Should there be a space between ¤ and the amount?
Because it is a generic currency sign, it depends on what currency and in what country it is being used in. For example, in euros, it would be €23 or ¤23 but in american cents, it would be 10¢ or 10¤.
As to whether there is a space in between the symbol and the number, I would think that there probably wouldn't be as in most major currencies there is no space between the symbol and the number.