I am writing a presentation on BDD and the Cucumber software tool, and need a snappy title for one of the points I'm making: That if you put in the work and spend some time carefully parametrizing the step definition/implementation files, then there will become a point in time that you will no longer need to write any more step implementation files and the work will suddenly become very easy, and you can now throw together loads of BDD tests in no time at all.

I'm thinking of calling it "The Parameterization Threshold", but "threshold" has connotations that it is something that you shouldn't cross. There must be a better word/words for this.

Another could be "The Parameterization Return on Investment", but that doesn't capture that the ROI is very good, and happens at a certain point in time and that the effort you have put in is suddenly paying off and now you can do things with great ease.

Any suggestions?

edit: I was asked for an example sentence:

"It takes some time and effort to carefully parameterize the step files, however, once you reach the <word/phrase/idiom> then it's amazing. After this point, you can rapidly create more tests with ease"

  • Provide sentence using the term,
    – Xanne
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 10:24
  • How about a 'sweet spot' in time? Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 10:32
  • @Xanne I've added an example sentence to the original question. Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 10:37
  • 1
    I think I would disagree with thresholds being something you shouldn't cross. To me, it's far more often used as a minimum standard which should be attained for something else to happen (which is exactly what you want to express). See Lexico sense 2.
    – Andrew Leach
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 10:45
  • 1
    A threshold is also often a point where something significant happens as a result of crossing it.
    – Barmar
    Commented Oct 19, 2020 at 20:16

4 Answers 4


You can also refer to the break even point -- the point where a new tool or process has saved you enough work to pay back the investment in time and effort it took to create it.

This is more often used is calculating payoff for a business investment:

The break-even point is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal, meaning there is no loss or gain for your small business. In other words, you've reached the level of production at which the costs of production equals the revenues for a product. -- US Small Business Administration

The break-even point (BEP) in economics, business—and specifically cost accounting—is the point at which total cost and total revenue are equal, i.e. "even". In layman's terms, after all costs are paid for there is neither profit nor loss. In economics specifically, the term has a broader definition; even if there is no net loss or gain, and one has "broken even", opportunity costs have been covered and capital has received the risk-adjusted, expected return. -- Wikipedia

[...]the break-even point – the level of output at which the revenues generated by a project equal costs. -- MindTools


I would go with critical point.

"Critical point is a wide term used in many branches of mathematics. When dealing with functions of a real variable, a critical point is a point in the domain of the function where the function is either not differentiable or the derivative is equal to zero."

Where the given point is at either the top of a peak or hill in the graph, or, at the bottom of a low or valley in the graph. Or, at a saddle point, where the graph changes from being a valley to being a hill - at a given point somewhere in between.

In applied mathematics, critical point refers to stuff like the point at which the greenhouse effect becomes irreversible.

In nuclear physics, critical mass is about stuff like how much mass is required to sustain a nuclear reaction.

Another option is tipping point.

"The tipping point is the critical point in an evolving situation that leads to a new and irreversible development. The term is said to have originated in the field of epidemiology when an infectious disease reaches a point beyond any local ability to control it from spreading more widely."

There is also turning point, point of no return, and, I guess, so on. Breaking point. Point of inflection.

  • It's all downhill from here.

All downhill from here

  1. Increasingly easy (as if literally traveling downhill, as opposed to uphill).
  • I'm sure I can finish the rest of the experiment on my own – it's all downhill from here.

[Farlex Dictionary of Idioms]

But note that the 'downhill is a bad direction' metaphor shows in an equally valid contradictory meaning:

  1. Steadily worsening.
  • Once my parents open my report card and see how bad my grades are, it's all downhill from here. [op cit]


An unambiguous, but informal, alternative is home free:

home free [Informal]

having finished the worst or most difficult part of something

  • If the refugees can make it as far as the United States, are they home free?



"It takes some time and effort to carefully parameterize the step files, however, once you reach that phase then it's plain sailing from here on. After that you can rapidly create more tests with ease"

The Free Dictionary defines plain sailing:

  • Smooth, uninterrupted, and/or easy progress, movement, or development. For example, The first few months were difficult, but I think it's plain sailing from here on. Alluding to navigating waters free of hazards, such as rocks or other obstructions, this term was transferred to other activities in the early 1800s.

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