A unique selling proposition (USP) attempts to answer the customer's question of “Why should I buy your product instead of someone else’s?”

Is there a similar word or phrase which is a counter part to USP but referring pitching a product to internal clients attempting to answer the question "Why should we make this product" over other product ideas. A word / phrase that will be used to refer to the advantages the manufacturer (seller) has in making this product.

I am not looking for a specific marketing term a generic one is also fine. Also need not be single word.

  • 1
    In British English, USP is as likely to stand for Unique Selling Point as Proposition. But regardless of that the answer to "Why should we make this product?" should normally be some variant of Because people will want to buy it at a price much higher than our production costs. In which context, it's perfectly okay to say Because it has a USP [for which they will pay more], regardless of exactly what it stands for. Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 13:04
  • In the US, "USP" stands for "United States Pharmacopeia".
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 13:21
  • @FumbleFingers I get your point - in the end everyone will want to look at the one product that makes the most money however in getting there there could be other factors we need to look at, like going with a product that is most likely to be successful but not make the most profit or a product that that may be least risky if it fails.
    – Canute S
    Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 13:32
  • There's also the matter of "leveraging" any specific resources one company might have (of various types, including personnel, location, existing plant, etc.). As with people, companies should play to their strengths. Commented Aug 30, 2020 at 13:45
  • 1
    @FumbleFingers But why did they need a new verb when "to lever" already existed. Unless it was to bamboozle and obfuscate. Oh, sorry, I think I know now🤑
    – BoldBen
    Commented Sep 4, 2020 at 13:22

2 Answers 2


Focusing on the request for a word / phrase...

used to refer to the advantages the manufacturer (seller) has in making this product.

...I'd say the company should play to their strengths.

play to (one's) strengths

  1. To prioritize using one's natural abilities and specific skills, especially by pursuing tasks or goals suited to such skills.
    After his disappointing Western-themed family drama, it's nice to see the director once again playing to her strengths with a film grounded in humor and wit.
  2. To put one in a position that allows them to best use their natural abilities and specific skills.
    We're going to have everyone try out the different positions on the field so we can find everyone a role that plays to their strengths.

Essentially that means the company should choose to make a product they're particularly good at making (specifically, something they're much better than their competitors at making).


I have heard the phrases “standout production” and *standout manufacture” in this context.

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