I am quoting from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Silver Blaze:
Holmes shook his head.'A clever counsel would tear it all to rags'.
I am quoting from The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, Silver Blaze:
Holmes shook his head.'A clever counsel would tear it all to rags'.
The question was answered, and the answer was accepted in the comments:
It is figurative: a good lawyer would destroy the proposed evidence/defence. 'Destroy' in the sense of showing it to be worthless. – Weather Vane Jul 13 at 9:08
This is figurative language; if you destroy something made of cloth by tearing it to pieces, those pieces are only useful as rags. – Michael Harvey Jul 13 at 9:37
Thank you guys I was confused because I thaught it was a phrasal verb but I still couldn't find it in dictionaries now it is very clear thank you very much – aissam Jul 13 at 9:53