Is the article before the absolute value? I know that there is always an article in phrases like the absolute value of sth but I saw the sentence below without any article. Is it right? Thank you

A increases in (the) absolute value as d increases.

1 Answer 1



"Absolute value" here is a property of A. Just as you might say "A increases in redness as d increases", meaning A becomes redder, you can apply that sentence structure to any property.

Using the for "absolute value" is right when you are talking about a particular instance of that property:

The absolute value of A is 7.
The redness of this apple is greater than that one. (Not particularly idiomatic, but valid.)

  • Thank you very much
    – Elena Greg
    Commented Jun 29, 2020 at 8:24
  • Where can I find this rule about ptoperties in literature or in a webpage, please?
    – Elena Greg
    Commented Nov 11, 2020 at 15:13

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