Does "I want to bid farewell to you" imply the giving of a farewell party? Or can we say it in another way?
3 Answers
No, bidding farewell means saying goodbye, it does not mean giving farewell party. If you want to tell a person that you would like to give him/her a farewell party then i think you should say "I would like to throw a farewell party in your honor" or "We have arranged a farewell party in your honor".
Bidding farewell means literally saying goodbye. Throwing a farewell party means gathering friends and giving someone a warm send off.
2Bidding farewell does not literally mean saying goodbye. There are various circumstances where goodbye is not interchangeable with farewell. Commented Jan 4, 2012 at 8:47
... and various circumstances where bid is not interchangable with say :)– slimCommented Jan 4, 2012 at 14:47
No, it does not convey an 'internal meaning of giving a farewell party'. You could bid farewell merely by waving your hand, for example.