I'm analyzing the /æ/ vowel sound (also known as 'short A') found in words like cat, dad, or man. I am particularly interested in how that sound is realized in different dialects of American English which has led me to browse YouTube videos of ESL teachers teaching this sound.
I found a video that I thought was very interesting since the speaker exhibits a noticeable tensing and lengthening of the /æ/ vowel. You can watch this video HERE. A very clear example of what I'm talking about can be heard around the 1:07 mark. Notice how the speaker produces almost two separate sounds: "ee-yah" with a gliding quality. I am, however, uncertain how to transcribe this tense vowel in the IPA. Wikipedia suggests either [eə] or [ɛə]. Would you agree? Neither /e/ or /ɛ/ (for the initial portion of the diphthong) sounds right to my ears, but the standard /æ/ is more open than the sound the speaker in the video produces.
I'd be very grateful for any suggestions!