Mixing the ingredients and baking the dough make/makes a cookie. Neither one triggers the MS word spelling and grammar.
Also if someone could explain which answer to this is correct Verb/Subject Agreement Make/Makes
I would appreciate it.
Mixing the ingredients and baking the dough make/makes a cookie. Neither one triggers the MS word spelling and grammar.
Also if someone could explain which answer to this is correct Verb/Subject Agreement Make/Makes
I would appreciate it.
This answer should shed some light: Should I use the singular or plural verb in mathematical formulae ("Two and two make/makes four")?
Both are acceptable, but in my experience, in spoken American English, "makes" is more idiomatic. The feeling is that "mixing the ingredients and baking the dough" is one procedure. That is, the "mixing" and "baking" do not exercise joint agency to do the making. Even though syntactically, a plural noun phrase "x and y" is the subject, they comprise a single two-step procedure, which, if executed as a whole, makes the cookie.
I think this may be different in the UK, but I'm not sure.