I am a non-native English speaker writing a scientific paper.
I have question concerning the word corroborate. In my native language, one might say that a research project aim to corroborate findings from previous studies. Such a phrase (in my language) imply an equally and objectively balanced approach that may or may not confirm findings from previous studies.
However, I am concerned that corroborate as used in: We aimed to (1) corroborate previous findings of x, y and z
does not imply that we may reject what have been found and reported in previous studies rather than seeking to confirm it.
In a scientific context investigating whether x may or may not correlate to a specific outcome, e.g. death, can corroborate correctly describe that we seek to investigate the correlation between x and death, which consequently results in either confirmation or rejection of previous findings?
I am concerned that corroborate used as in We aimed to (1) corroborate previous findings of x, y and z
simply implies that we "aim to confirm what have been previously found" rather than meaning "confirming or rejecting previous findings".
Thank you in advance.