This is a question about “cross-references,” the form
of which is often prescribed in a publication’s or an
organization’s style guide. See the Chicago Manual of Style
or some other style-guide for general information on this. Your
publisher is likely to have their own standard practice here.
In your example, it appears that you are cross-referencing to a
heading — the name of a section within the chapter. Therefore,
by most conventions, it should be capitalized and in quotes.
However, whether to use italics, or quotes, or underlines for
your cross-referenced titles is a purely local stylistic
convention, not a rule set in stone. Do whatever you want,
but be consistent. I would say that in my experience that
using quotes to set off section or subsection titles is the
most common practice. Unfortunately, searching for information
about this online results in hundreds of links about how to use
various programs (like Microsoft Word, Adobe In Design,
etc.) to insert cross-references using their software,
not abstract advice about how to style them typographically.