I'm looking for a catchy and nice-sounding word. A really nice sounding phrase would although be better than nothing.
I record my computer screen a lot and never really found a nice word to describe it like a screenshot. I also searched the web a lot and found nothing about it.
My mom: How do I get to the settings on my phone?
Me: I'll send you a _____(recording of my screen) so you can see how I get there.
"screen recording" is my favorite, but I am still not really satisfied. (UPDATE: I found a video of someone famous saying screen recording, I would appreciate if you comment with links to more videos like this with your favorite choices)... I also found about 100 videos on YouTube of people using this term, which I have not found for any of the alternatives mentioned in the question.
That said I did not find it on Lexico.com.
Here is a "screen recording" showing that "screenshot" is on Lexico.com, but "screen recording" is not.
Options I found unsatisfying:
screencast, screencap, videoshot, screenshots, screenmotionpicture, screenselfie, Screengif.
screencap is not common and confusing on top of that - here are some videos showing how this is used wrongly.
screencast is commonly used in certain fields (tech, design, photography, media and probably more). Here are a lot of videos showing this. My issue with this word is that it is very misleading and it will definitely confuse many people. @jmbpiano put this very nicely in a comment on the answer screencast :
This usage seems rather niche and if I were to first encounter it in another context, the suffix "-cast" would immediately evoke mental comparisons to "broadcast" and "webcast" (forms that are decidedly not static, playable on-demand video, but rather something that is being presented once at a specific time, possibly live and/or interactive).