We have these...
- Morning, afternoon, evening, night, day, and it's like night and day
- Midnight and noon, and high noon
- Yesterday, today, and tomorrow
- Earlier, later, and now
- Four O'Clock
- 2300 hours
- Yesteryear
- October, Wednesday, 1982
- The Age of Wonder, The Pleistocene Era
- Once upon a time, never, forever, forever and a day
- You get the idea...
Is there a word for named moments or periods of time—one of the -nym
suffixed words? I did a search and can't seem to find a word in reasonably wide usage.
This Q&A doesn't address my question (completely). A search on a term that made sense to me in the family of Latin-derived terms like demonym (which is fully documented) and retronym is temponym, which has been coined in technical circles.
At the least, it doesn't seem to have a dictionary definition yet.