
I'm writing some in-game descriptions for various challenges. One of the challenges is to win 50 games, whilst also having the most points in every round of said games.

I arrived at this formulation:

Gained the most points every round in 50+ games.

Do you think it is clear and understandable?

EDIT 1: It's possible to win a game even if you don't earn the most points in all rounds. There are four rounds in a single game and the player who wins the most rounds takes the prize.

EDIT 2: These don't have to be consecutive games.

  • So you can win without the most points? Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 11:49
  • Seconding marcello's query: is there a way to win a game without having the most points? (Edit: on reflection it seems like a game is made up of multiple rounds, so you can win a game on rounds while still losing at least one round on points) Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 11:49
  • @marcellothearcane yes, the winner of the game is determined by who won the most rounds (there are four rounds in total). The winner in each round is determined by points earned only during that round. Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 11:53
  • 1
    So you could simply say 'you won 50+ games in a row', since the winner would have the most points. Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 11:55
  • @marcellothearcane The challenge is to win 50+ games where you were the highest scorer in all four rounds of each of those games. If you beat me in 50 games but I'd won a single round in game 24 you wouldn't meet the criteria. Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 11:56

2 Answers 2


Gained the most points every round in 50+ games.

I think your familiarity with the games and the challenges is allowing you to write in an increasingly compact form. Your perspective has shifted with your expertise. You are aware of this since you are asking for outside views.

With some effort and your clarifications I and others here can work it out. Unless you are short of type face for printing I suggest you use at least two, perhaps three sentences to say the same thing. There can be little reason not to.

I am still a fan of the outline where you describe the thing, what it's got and what it does. With that in mind you should have no trouble making a perfectly clear description. There are no points or bonuses for brevity.


Thanks to everyone who contributed.

Two valid suggestions were offered by Hellion and Jason Bassford:

  • Win every round in at least 50 games
  • Gained the most points in every round of 50+ games

I believe both of these answers are easier to understand than the one originally proposed by me.

The requirements for the description of the challenge changed completely, and so did the formulation, hence I will be closing the discussion (once I figure out how).

This was my first post here, so I'm not 100% sure whether it falls under acceptable questions, but I'm glad for your feedback.

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