I am looking for a single word meant to represent the evening, much like "tomorrow", "today", [missing word], and "tonight". I do realise that "tomorrow" doesn't actually mean "this morning", but the word I'm looking for is a sort-of replacement for "tomorrow" for a fictional world where mornings and days are a thing of the past and it is engulfed in eternal nights.

There already exists a question which asks for an antonym to the phrase "on the morrow", which I link here: Antonym/Opposite of "on the morrow", and the word "eve" came up, which would look utterly horrendous as "toeve" for my purposes.

Is there an existing word in the English language that could substitute "morrow" of "tomorrow" to be related to evening time?

Sample sentence: What I couldn't finish tonight, I will not finish [word] either.

  • Why doesn't later or any of its synonyms work? Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 13:39
  • I'm really looking for something specific to next day (next night, all things considered). Later is a lot more general, while what I'm after is "nightly tomorrow".
    – Ivan T.
    Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 13:40
  • On planet Earth, What I couldn't finish tonight, I will not finish tomorrow night either. Or What I couldn't finish this evening, I will not finish tomorrow evening either. In some fictional context where there are no days and nights, it wouldn't make sense to talk about not finishing something tonight or [this] evening anyway. Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 13:41
  • 2
    If there is no day/night cycle, refer to another cycle. Not this clock, not this bell, not this sleep, not for three dinners, not until I have pissed nine quarts, two high tides from now. Consider asking at wordbuilding.stackexchange.com
    – jejorda2
    Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 14:27
  • 1
    @IvanT. I am hesitating to give an actual answer because I see that it is getting a number of close votes. I can only guess that those close votes are because of the misunderstanding, and also the use of 'opposite' in the title which also seems to be a misunderstanding. It seems unfair to be penalized for misunderstanding when that is exactly what you're trying to fix, but I think, now you understand that 'tomorrow night' is the word you're looking for all along.
    – Mitch
    Commented Jul 22, 2019 at 15:12

2 Answers 2


If you world has no Day/Night cycle but still observes time it has to observe it based on some other cycle. Whatever that cycle is should inform the vernacular used here. If you want to be really broad with it you could use early-cycle, mid-cycle and late-cycle or some variation on that. The cycle would be the 'day' defined by whatever defines the cycles in that world. Once you have that span you could cut it into three slices and call each slice by its location in the cycle.

I don't know enough about how know how your world is structured to give any more specific feedback.


If there is no such thing as day or night, and if tomorrow is longer in use, then, barring some other fictional terminology, you have to fall back on using clock timings.

In other words (assuming this is actually accurate given the current time):

What I couldn't finish by now, I will not finish in twelve hours either.

Note that I removed tonight from the example sentence. If tomorrow is meaningless, then tonight is probably meaningless too.

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