Today I was scolded for leaving my access card at home for the second time. From my point of view, this causes about 10 seconds of work for the people at the reception. When I asked why this would be such a big deal, I got only evasive answers pointing to policies and power plays ("this is not up for discussion"). This leaves me with the impression that the person scolding me doesn't actually know of any negative impact, but just tries to overly strongly enforce policies. Is there a term describing such behavior?
EDIT: My use case for the term I am searching for is for writing a blog post about my experiences with this company. Example sentence: "The company is very hierarchical, beaurocratic, and encourages ${TERM}."
EDIT2: I know it's a bad idea forgetting your key card. I am just trying to understand whether the harshness of the reaction is justified. Imagine you are 5 mins late for a meeting - you know it's bad behaviour, but you would probably consider it too harsh if you get fired for that.