Translating agency translated a sentence (a question from an interview) from Czech to English like this:

"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue of importance?"

Is it correct? I would rather say:

"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue to be of importance?"

(The meaning of the question is "Do you think that interdisciplinary dialogue is important?)

  • What is it that you think the version you'd rather say adds to what their version says?
    – tchrist
    Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 16:44
  • Some linking verbs like consider can optionally take an infinitival to be, but it not usually required. Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 16:48
  • So the first version is correct? Thanks for your help! My English is far from perfection and the phrase "consider stg. of importance" sounds just strange to me.
    – Oti
    Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 16:55
  • 2
    It is a bit strange. Do you consider X important? is fine, but ?Do you consider X of importance without an accompanying to be is definitely odd. B-Raising and To be-Deletion together cause all sorts of oddities. Commented Apr 27, 2019 at 21:54
  • To me (British) either format is acceptable: the first format is merely the second format but with "to be" elided. A third, equally acceptable option would be "Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue to be important?" [This is a correction to previous comment, now deleted.]
    – TrevorD
    Commented Apr 28, 2019 at 13:57

2 Answers 2


"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue of importance?"

This could easily be interpreted as asking:

"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue that is important?" OR
"Do you personally consider important interdisciplinary dialogue?"

I could answer the question with:

"No, I normally only consider trivial interdisciplinary dialogue."

If you want to ask the question you mean to ask, and without the risk of misinterpretation, then adding to be is necessary.

"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue to be of importance?"

In other words:

"Do you personally think that interdisciplinary dialogue is important?"

I could answer that question with:

"Yes, I do think that interdisciplinary dialogue is important."


The problem with

"Do you personally consider interdisciplinary dialogue of importance?"

is that "of importance" can be used like this:

The silk hat and patent leather shoes gave Mr. Doolittle an air of importance.

When we read your translation service's sentence quickly, we might think we missed something, and would want to go back and read it again more carefully. Then we'd realize, Oh, they just mean "Do you consider interdisciplinary dialogue important?" or "Do you consider interdisciplinary dialogue to be important?" or, more down to earth, "Do you think that interdisciplinary dialogue is important?"

So, it's not wrong, but it's a little weird. "Of importance" has a pompous tone, but there's no apparent reason for expressing pompousness in the sentence.

  • @Oti - If this satisfies your curiosity, you can give it the green checkmark. Commented Apr 29, 2019 at 11:32

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