I'm looking for a single word synonym for "A person not to mess with" without explicitly evoking a specific reason, as in "fearsome" for example.
Example in a sentence:
Kidd was an
pirate for my lack of a better placeholder.
I'm looking for a single word synonym for "A person not to mess with" without explicitly evoking a specific reason, as in "fearsome" for example.
Example in a sentence:
Kidd was an
pirate for my lack of a better placeholder.
I'd go with Formidable. According to Cambridge Online:
Formidable: adjective: causing you to have fear or respect for something or someone because that thing or person is large, powerful, or difficult:
Comparison with other answers so far:
The formidable trees in Pokemon are formidable because they cannot be cut down. They are stronger than the other cuttable trees. If the stronger trees appeared as obstacles there would be no way through and the came would be impossible to finish.
I sense someone labeled a badass should be avoided!
badass Collins Dictionary
If you describe someone as a badass, you mean that they are very tough or violent.
Another possiblity is daunting,
tending to overwhelm or intimidate
which would seem a pretty good description of a well-known bad-ass.
very strong, especially in character; producing respect and a little fear in others:
Tonight he faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.
If you say Kidd was a redoubtable pirate, you say he was formidable as well as someone to be feared (not to be messed with).
The word you are looking for is a compound adjective, in an attributive use: "no-nonsense"
Kidd was a no-nonsense pirate.
Cambridge Dictionary Online:
no-nonsense; adjective [ before noun ] UK /ˌnəʊˈnɒn.səns/ US /ˌnoʊˈnɑːn.sens/ practical and serious, and only interested in doing what is necessary or achieving what is intended, without silly ideas or methods: a no-nonsense manner/leader a no-nonsense approach to child-rearing
invulnerable or invincible
Both are very strong words.
Blackbeard was thought to be invincible even some time after he was decapitated, as it is legend that his body searched for his head, and his head continued to laugh and talk.
Aposematic describes the effect the pirate has on other people by signaling danger.
From Mariam Webster Online:
Aposematic: adjective: being conspicuous and serving to warn
This particular behavior is known from the zooligical sciences and accurately describes the "not to mess with" signal. From Encyclopaedia Britannica online, emphasis added:
Aposematic mechanism, biological means by which a dangerous, or noxious, organism advertises its dangerous nature to potential predators. The predator, having recognized the dangerous organism as an unfavourable prey, thereupon desists from attacking it. Aposematic, or warning, mechanisms have evolved along with protective systems; it is advantageous for the protected organism not to risk the injury that is likely to occur in even a successfully repelled attack by a predator.
The most common aposematic mechanism is the possession of bright, contrasting colours, such as the black and yellow of many wasps and the red of ladybird beetles. Other organisms, such as the North American rattlesnakes, employ acoustic warning systems.
Example usage:
"That one, he's trouble."
Not sure if that usage is current, but it was very common when I was growing up in the 60's and 70's.
[2]b : one that is among the largest or most powerful of its kind
Not in common usage