I'm looking for a word that means "prepared for conflict" in any language but would prefer one in English or French or French etymology.
I've been struggling with this for a while now, and can't seem to find a term that fits the bill. I realize this might not be the best place to ask this question, but I've often found good answers on this forum.
Central to my dilemma is the following:
pacifist: Someone who opposes war or violence as a means of settling disputes
pacifism: Opposition to war or violence as a means of settling disputes
And Antonyms:
bellicist: One who advocates war —opposed to pacifist
bellicism: An inclination to war; warlike policy or behavior. (not available at Merriam Webster so wiktionary will have to do)
I can find no equivalent terms that indicate:
???: Someone who is not opposed to war or violence as a solution and recognizes that both peace and violence require preparation
???: An inclination towards neither war nor diplomacy but a willingness to use either when appropriate
Some people have suggested that there is no term for this point of view because it is the "normal" outlook. However, I argue that while the "normal" outlook might be not to favor peace or violence, the outcome is usually to ignore the subject entirely - not to prepare for either or both. So I'm hoping for a different answer here.
For instance, the President of the United States should be primarily skilled at politics, diplomacy, etc. but must be prepared for war in his role as Commander in Chief. While a President may prefer peaceful outcomes, he/she would be unwise to count on peace alone.