1. Clarification for everyone's imagination
Imagine a server software package that has a very robust toolbox of features and functions, but one very specific function in that toolbox that is used for a business critical process has a 100% successful result always without ever having one hiccup.
2. What you ask. . .
In terms of what is asked word for word and per my interpretation of those words...
"address a technology that is totally investigated, researched in
detail, and thoroughly optimised, so there is nothing more to find out
or improve."
3. Features need love too. . .
Well this [technology] feature on this specific [technology] product has a specific [technology] function which has a 100% success rate for all results.
This technology (to me) which I speak of right here is immaculate and flawless so using words to describe it as such seems both appropriate and reasonable.
So to say some [technology] feature or function of some software package works flawlessly just because that's what you experience with it gives exactly what is being asked of "technology".
4. Original Recipe (before pacification)
I'm thinking perhaps flawless may suit the need.
It is rather old, but
flaw·less | \ˈflȯ-ləs \
Definition of flawless
1 : having no flaw or imperfection : PERFECT
Otherwise consider immaculate if you prefer it instead.
It is rather old, but
im·mac·u·late | \i-ˈma-kyə-lət \
Definition of immaculate
2 : having or containing no flaw or error