I'm looking for a word that describes the following:
A patient who has received all possible medical treatment but all of them have failed to initiate a cure or remission. The patient cannot be (meaningfully) helped according to conventional medicine. The patient's illness does not necessarily have to be a terminal disease.
Hence: The patient is 'treated-out' or 'therapied-out'.
I'm aware that 'treated-out' and 'therapied-out' do not exist as such, and currently I don't intend to use them.
The word or two-worded term I'm looking for could be the counterpart to the German word 'austherapiert'.
NOTE: I'm NOT looking for untreatable patient, terminal-stage patient, palliative care, palliative treatment, or palliative care patient
I am looking for a word or two-worded term that relates to the patient and implies that essentially all conceivable treatment has been tried and applied, unsuccessfully.
The following expressions seem to match best for non-terminal diseases:
- all treatment options exhausted
- a treatment-exhausted patient
- 'therapied out' - seems to be an uncommon but more and more frequently used term, according to the search results on Google Books but much less in scientific literature; bear in mind Google's Ngram Viewer has no entries for 'therapied out' (Ngram Viewer version 2012/2013, as available on 22 Nov 2018)
For terminal diseases, these were found (not mentioned above):
- an end-stage patient
- infaust-prognosis patient