They are going to make the decision without telling him. I think they are ---- his autonomy.

What verb to use for the above sentence? Violate? Deprive him from? Harm? ...


3 Answers 3



to treat irreverently or disrespectfully; desecrate; profane; fail to respect (someone's peace, privacy, or rights)

Violate autonomy

Physicians have to be careful not to violate a patient's autonomy by performing procedures not agreed to by the patient.


There are a few ways you can take this.

violate (verb): treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.

  • break or fail to comply with (a rule or formal agreement).

This has a more personal connotation.

disregard (verb): pay no attention to; ignore.

This has a colder connotation

infringe (verb): act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

This can be perceived as a sort of middle ground between the two. You should use a word appropriate to the relationship between the speaker and the person whose autonomy is being infringed upon.



This is used particularly in the self-determination/psychological sense of autonomy.

Autonomy can be supported. It can also be thwarted.

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