Does one say, "If any of my grandchildren does not attain the age of eighteen..."
or does one say, "If any of my grandchildren do not attain the age of eighteen..."
The second phrase seems to imply that more than on grandchild must not attain the age of eighteen before the contingency comes into play. Whereas, the first implies that if only one grandchild does not attain the age of eighteen, then the contingency is "activated".
Does anyone have "any" thoughts on this subject?
This question is not a duplicate of the question "Should the noun after "any" be singular or plural?". That question is about whether a noun that is positioned immediately after any should be singular or plural: e.g. "any grandchild" vs. "any grandchildren". This question is about whether a verb used with the structure "any of [plural noun]" should be singular or plural.