Is there another word for 'mutual trust' but not the phrase 'reciprocal confidence' ?
Example sentence:
It is the WORD HERE between Mrs Doe and organisation XYZ that enables to gain deeper and more profound insights into these phenomena.
Is there another word for 'mutual trust' but not the phrase 'reciprocal confidence' ?
Example sentence:
It is the WORD HERE between Mrs Doe and organisation XYZ that enables to gain deeper and more profound insights into these phenomena.
Meaning: A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well.
Usage: "Dermot and Bridie quickly established a rapport with the people of the town and hinterland."
Usage: "Rapport is really about reducing the differences between you and your client, and building your similarities."
Meaning: a friendly, harmonious relationship; especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy
Usage: "Slick subordinates who establish a rapport with investors may start acting like your equals."
Your sentence:
"It is the rapport between Mrs Doe and organisation XYZ that enables to gain deeper and more profound insights into these phenomena."