This is for a tech support or customer support case. I need a single-word tag labeling other people who share my issue.

  • 1
    Welcome to English.SE! Unfortunately, I'm not clear on the details here. Are you support or a customer? Are you wanting to refer to support personnel or customers?
    – jimreed
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 18:37
  • 2
    Here's the use case: I'm a customer on a social support network. I'm searching for a solution to my problem. I find that someone has already posted my problem: "My battery died. What do I do?". I'm curious how popular the problem is so I and want to see a tiny stat showing how many other people share my problem (e.g. "15 people share this issue") in one word (e.g. "15 blank").
    – jaxxon
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 21:06
  • Is "15 similar issues" or "15 identical issues" short enough? Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 21:38
  • Ehm, not being too serious about this, but maybe, ehm: A duplicate (?)
    – Imago
    Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 20:31

17 Answers 17


You might use "users affected" or "users impacted." (Or simply "affected" or "impacted," but those look a little awkward, not technically being nouns.)

  • I don't think so. This would mean that this number of users are impacted or affected by one person's dead battery; not each by their own dead battery.
    – user16269
    Commented Apr 1, 2012 at 8:47
  • @DavidWallace, A dead battery is not an issue that can be shared, which is the OP's specific case. The recent iOS 5 battery problems are, and many users were affected by this bug/issue. The more distant iPhone 4 antenna problems were a hardware issue that affected some users.
    – zpletan
    Commented Apr 1, 2012 at 12:59

It may reek of legalese, but I think co-complainant pretty well covers it.

  • 1
    The word does have a legal smell to it, but it's accurate and unambiguous. Most of the other similar terms seem to miss the mark with their meanings.
    – ajk
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 20:22

Based on your use case, here are some suggestions:

  • corroborators
  • endorsers
  • followers
  • cases, incidences
  • Shouldn't that be instances rather than incidences? Incidences is a very rarely used word that is used when comparing multiple incident rates.
    – Alan Gee
    Commented Mar 5, 2015 at 18:44

How about "commiserators"? Not exactly what you're looking for, but it's kind of close.

Webster.com definition:

Commiserate - to feel or express sympathy

Although I feel the connotations are usually more along the lines of what you are looking for.

Thefreedictionary.com says:

Commiserate (v.intr.) To feel or express sympathy: commiserated over their failure.


Victims could fit. It's a little overstated but it covers the idea.

  • I love the idea of victims if the tone of the company allows for humor. That would opens up many more possibilities: 15 whiners, Round Tuits (referencing the well known joke of 'when I get around-to-it'), agitators, rabble-rousers also reported the issue. Such a style is common with comments links in blogging platforms, where the link will sometimes be styled to say 15 pieces of wisdom contributed by your fellow readers or 15 angry missives typed by monkeys depending on the theme and tone of the site.
    – aedia λ
    Commented Oct 14, 2011 at 22:30

How about "sympathisers", because they can sympathise with you because they have had the same problem?


Repro is often used as a noun in tech support to mean other occurrences of the identical problem (although not the person having the problem).


Co-sufferers might fit the bill.


There's a whole vocabulary for such issues in ITIL. You are referring to several incidents with a common problem. For anyone doing your kind of job I would really recommend an ITIL fundamentals course. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_Technology_Infrastructure_Library

and in particular http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incident_management_%28ITSM%29

A grasp of the key terms is essential if you're looking at reviews of any kind of service desk, CMDB, problem tracking etc software.

eta: sorry, just re-read and saw you're a customer. It's late. Anyway hopeful the site's admins have heard of ITIL


A friend of mine suggests "issue cousin."


We used the word "incidents" to track the number of occurrences of the problem as opposed to tracking the number of users affected.


Class reeks less of legalese than a previous answer, and its definition from Merriam-Webster Unabridged fits what you're looking for:

Class is a very general term for a group including all individuals with a common characteristic.


"15 people share this issue" => "15 similarities"

"15 people share this issue" => "15 relatives"

"15 people share this issue" => "15 peers"

In the context you want to tag something, I believe one of these three would make the most sense.


You migh consider pressing the word "comrade" (as in "comrades-in-arms", as in, humorously, "comrades up in arms" about this issue) into service for this purpose, e.g., "15 comrades".


New York Times reports:


There has always been, at the very least, a little bit of hate between blacks and whites in this country, with each side, in its turn, taking advantage of its political strength (as who does not?). But that relationship is also perhaps like a marriage. Both sides at different times are bitching, and both at different times are bailing, but we’re all in the same boat.

We are bound to each other, as are all Americans. Bound though subdivided, not only by race, but by religion, politics, age, region and culture. And we not only seem to be but are working it out.


Here "we’re all in the same boat" means people who have the same issue/problem; hence a single-word tag labeling "other people who share my issue" might be "navigant" (or "navigator"); althoug I suggest you "NAVIGATOR-ADVICE", which is more comprensible.


may I suggest:

  1. groupers

  2. cohort

  3. cohors


I think agreers might work as the word.

This is a word used to group people, used in demographics. Secondly, the word is for a group people who share the same problem. Co-complainant/issue-brothers etc., while not incorrect, didn't seem intuitive. Thirdly, I tried to apply agreers in possible contexts related to problem sharing, and found it fit.


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