This poetic contraction appears in the lines "Heav'n has no rage like love to hatred turn'd / Nor Hell a fury, like a woman scorn'd", which gave us "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned". I can't see how to pronounce it in a way that's different from how I pronounce "heaven", /ˈhɛ.vən/. Is it even phonetically possible to omit the vowel here?

Maybe it's just my accent. I grew up in Manhattan and I have a General American accent.


3 Answers 3


In principle, "heav'n" represents a monosyllabic pronunciation such as [hɛvn]. There is nothing impossible about this from a phonetic perspective.

However, present-day English speakers may have difficulty with either hearing or producing a distinction between monosyllabic [hɛvn] and disyllabic [ˈhɛvn̩] or [ˈhɛvən], because only the last two pronunciations are currently usual when the word heaven is pronounced in isolation. (It's possible to perceive vowels/syllables that aren't phonetically there. This is heavily based on a person's native language: for example, an English speaker probably won't hear any extra vowel in a word like "spa" [spɑː], but a Spanish speaker is likely to hear a (phonetically nonexistent) vowel before the [s], and a Japanese speaker is likely to hear a vowel after the [s].)

It might be easier for you to pronounce "heav'n" as a monosyllable when it is followed by a word that starts with a vowel, as in "heav'n and nature". In this context, the [n] sound can be attached to the start of the following syllable. Historically in English poetry, words that start with H have sometimes been treated like words that start with vowels (as a result of the H sound being either weakly pronounced or dropped), so "Heav'n has" could be considered an example of the monosyllabic pronunciation being used before a word starting with a vowel.

In past stages of the language, poets and songwriters felt free to use the monosyllabic pronunciation [hɛvn] even before words starting with consonants.

The phonetician John Wells made a blog post about the "compressed" pronunciation of words like heav'n: "heav’nly scansion". Wells says

In modern English the word heaven, like seven, given, even, when spoken in isolation and in ordinary slow formal or colloquial style, must have two syllables. Phonemically heaven is /ˈhevən/, with the /ən/ sequence optionally being realized as a syllabic [n]. The cluster /vn/, with ordinary non-syllabic n, is not a permitted final cluster, and if there is no [ə] present then the [n] must be syllabic. (This is not the usage of eighteenth-century hymnodists, for whom “heav’n” could be, and usually was, scanned as one syllable in all contexts.)

However, like other syllabic consonants, this [n̩] is subject to possible loss of syllabicity when followed by a weak vowel. Compare seven and a half pronounced as four syllables only, ˈsevnənəˈhɑːf, or indeed heaven and earth as three, ˈhevnənˈɜːθ.

In heaven and nature sing the /ən/ of heaven is followed each time by the weak /ə/ of and. So the conditions for compression are satisfied, the word can be pronounced as a single syllable, and the notation in the score is justified.

In the recording made by Boney M, interestingly enough, we hear clearly disyllabic ˈhevən each time my score has heav’n, but compressed monosyllabic hevn for the last repetition, where my score says heaven.

Mariah Carey, on the other hand, sings disyllabic ˈhevən everywhere. This may be because she’s American, and the Americans don’t seem to do nearly as much compression as the British. (Compare typical AmE ˈfedərəl federal with typical BrE ˈfedrəl.)

  • 1
    I feel like the scansion and punctuation has it starting /hɛv næz/ etc.
    – tchrist
    Commented Jun 24, 2018 at 0:28
  • There are many examples of heaven being one syllable when followed by a consonant. "When Britain first at heaven's command" comes to mind.
    – phoog
    Commented Jun 4 at 2:00
  • @phoog: Are you saying that contradicts what I wrote here? I started this answer with "Often" rather than "always" because I expected there would be counterexamples: the quotation from Wells at the end of my answer notes that the usage of monosyllabic pronunciations of heav(e)n has changed over time, with it often being one syllable in all contexts for eighteenth-century hymnodists.
    – herisson
    Commented Jun 4 at 4:25
  • We are not eighteenth-century hymnodists, and the question used wording like "How do you pronounce "heav'n"?" and "how I pronounce 'heaven'", so I thought it was appropriate to start out by talking about the pronunciation habits of present-day English speakers. "Rule, Britannia!" was written in 1740.
    – herisson
    Commented Jun 4 at 4:25

Walker's 1822 pronouncing dictionary says

... nothing is so vulgar and childish as to hear swivel and heaven with the e pronounced distinctly, or novel and chicken with the e suppressed.

It seems that in the early 19th century, there were some words (chicken, aspen, patten, leaven) where the en was pronounced with a vowel—probably [ǝ]—and some words (harden, heaven, fallen, burden), where the en was pronounced as a syllabic consonant [n̩]. Today, we consider these as allophones (so they are completely interchangeable), but apparently not back then for upper-class British accents.

It is difficult to sing syllabic consonants, so presumably words like heaven were treated as one-syllable words in music, where the 'vn' was pronounced quickly between the notes (e.g., "and Heaven and nature sing" in the 1719 Christmas carol Joy to the World). All three uses of heaven in Handel's Messiah are spelled heav'n and sung on one note, for example

He that dwelleth in Heav'n shall laugh them to scorn,

however, listening to these sections on the internet, modern singers use two syllables much of the time, showing that you're not the only one who's confused about how to pronounce heav'n.

In poetry, Shakespeare treated heaven as either a one- or two-syllable word, depending on which he needed to make the lines scan. For example, we have

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

from Sonnet XVIII, and

To shun the heaven that leads men to this hell,

from Sonnet CXXIX. To make these lines scan, heaven must be pronounced with two syllables in the first and with one syllable in the second.

Shakespeare didn't do the same thing with burthen/burden, so maybe this distinction between syllabic [n̩] and [ǝn] goes back to the 16th century. And the fact that Shakespeare seems to have distinguished between heaven and burthen in this respect means that in the 16th century, it wasn't just upper-class accents that made this distinction.

So my guess is that heav'n was pronounced with a syllabic [n̩]: [hɛvn̩]. It still seems like two syllables, but it's easier to compress into the space of one syllable than [hɛvǝn]. If you know French, think of words like livre /livʁ/ and table /tabl/ where the /r/ and /l/ are kind of tacked onto the end of the syllable.

  • "listening to these sections on the internet, modern singers use two syllables much of the time": Handel actually set two notes to heaven in the "he that dwelleth" recitative. He spelled "heavens" with seven letters in "why do the nations," but gave it one note. The "multitude of the heavenly host" text is poorly aligned with the notes (i.e., not at all) and messy, with the e inserted after the fact, but it's clear that "heavenly" is to be sung to two notes rather than three. His manuscript is the first item under "scores" at imslp.org/wiki/Messiah,_HWV_56_(Handel,_George_Frideric)
    – phoog
    Commented Jun 4 at 1:45
  • Handel is probably not a great model because English was not his native language, and his English text setting is occasionally somewhat awkward. It seems that he was not fully comfortable with the language.
    – phoog
    Commented Jun 4 at 1:45

As a Brit, this is my two penn'orth. It is kind of impossible to pronounce 'heav'n' as one syllable. However, it does sound quite different to 'heaven'. As I'm saying it now, it sounds similar to 'hen', except that I'm lifting my lower lip as though to pronounce the 'v', but there's no exhalation through my mouth, so the 'v' is not actually pronounced. So, it becomes a more nasal-sounding word than 'heaven'.

I have no idea if that makes sense!

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