When I posted a question about usefulness or “unuseful-ness” of using Latin phrase in conversation and writing yesterday, I got an answer saying “If you did not know the meaning of a specific (Latin) phrase, it may be likely that many other people do not recognize that phrase, so it’s best to avoid it,” from someone, followed by the other user’s comment, “This answer has it right.”
As I’m not familiar with the expression, “Someone (or something) has it right,” I checked the usage of the phrase on Google, and found the following example:
The tea party movement has it right: Don't spend more than you have. - newsmax.com.
Obama has it right in deficit plan. His deficit- cutting plan is not perfect, but close to it. It's fiscally smart and politically smart. - realclear politics.com
Why the Supreme Court has it right on violent video games. - live.com
Which political party has it right for current retirees? - retireplan about.com
I also checked Google Ngram to find that the usage of ”has it right” had been low and stayed flat since 1840 up to 1980, but after 1980 it started to rise sharply.
I don’t think I’ve learned this expression in English textbooks I’ve read.
What is the exact meaning of “(Someone) has it right” and what is the difference of it from other affirmative statements such as “It is right (appropriate),” “It holds,” and “It makes sense,” by meaning and by nuance? Why can't it be simply "It (movement, decision, remark, answer) is right"?