16-bit unsigned short integers that range from 0 through 0xFFFF
16-bit unsigned short integers that range from 0 to 0xFFFF
Which expression is better above?
Therefore, the writer has precedence and may assign the intended meaning if he or she feels it is necessary.
Here are some alternatives: from x up to and including y; starting from x ending in/with y; from x, not exceeding y; from x through to y, inclusive.
If you consider through as short-form for "through to the beginning of" ("through non-inclusive" would make sense), it becomes apparent why British English seldom included y in 2011. However, if you look at through independently, "through to the end of", you could imagine time passing through the second object as a thread passes through a needle.
In British English, "to" can be both inclusive and exclusive. "Through" isn't usually used in this way.
In American English, "through" is inclusive.
So it depends on your audience. To be safe, use something unambiguous: "through to", or "up to and including", or "to X, inclusive".
As a Brit, I would never say Monday through Friday to mean including Friday or not including Friday. I would say Monday to Friday to include Friday. If I meant to exclude Friday I'd say Monday to Thursday. To me through means to some time later. I might therefore say Monday through to Friday meaning throught the week until (and including) Friday but the through seems redundant. As a mathematician I'd use 'to': 1 to 9 (inclusive or exclusive as the case may be), or more technical terms stating whether the set was open at either end.