There was an article titled “Obama or Emanuel pushed to spotlight Solyndra” in today’s Washington Post, reporting that President Obama or his chief of staff were eager to help spotlight a solar company, Solindra. Eventually, the Department of Energy allowed (or was forced to allow) to pour $535 million in loans to the now shuttered company.
In the article, there was a sentence:
“Any word from OMB?” Department of Energy stimulus adviser Steve Spinner wrote to a department staffer about final terms of the Solyndra loan to be approved by the Office of Management and Budget. “I have the OVP and WH breathing down my neck on this.”
What does “breathe down one’s neck” mean?
Additionally, there was the line;
“Ron said this morning that the POTUS definitely wants to do this,” one White House staffer told an Obama scheduler on Aug. 17, 2009.”
What does “scheduler” mean?
Cambridge Dictionary online defines “scheduler” as “a person who works for a broadcasting company putting the various programmes for the day, week, month, etc. into a particular order.
But I don't think this applies to "Obama scheduler." What is Obama schedulers' job?