There is no noun definition for "pyrotechnic"; it is not the singular form of "pyrotechnics". Instead, "pyrotechnics" is a collective noun which refers to multiple individual objects as a group, and which can take either singular or plural verbs depending on context. At the same time it is also treated as a mass noun (also known as "uncountable noun") so you can't have "A pyrotechnics" only "some pyrotechnics", and it also means there isn't any "more plural" form. Those two things together mean that "pyrotechnics" falls in a weird space between singular and plural both grammatically and conceptually, so it can be tricky. Using just "pyrotechnic" as a noun is incorrect though.
On the other hand, using "pyrotechnic" as an adjective is correct. Both "An amazing pyrotechnic display." and "An amazing pyrotechnics display" are equally valid and have roughly the same meaning.