Is there an equivalent of "workaholic" (a person who feels compelled to work excessively) to describe a person who feels compelled to identify with raising a family in a similarly excessive fashion?
Note the emphasis on the word excessively, which means this word tends to have--just has workholic does--a connotation of disapproval.
The word doesn't have to be widely-used. I'm just looking for something precise.
To elaborate further, consider this conversation:
PETER (to an online community of software developers): What has been your most rewarding job or project and why? I've been looking to make a change away from typical enterprise development as it's not just about the paycheck any more [...]
BOB: Raising my son. Playing music with my friends. Building a home and relationships with my partners. [...]
DRETA (replying to Bob): How is any of this relevant to Peter's question?
SRID (supporting Dreta): I am with you. Comments like this (from BOB) indicate nothing but a demonstration of the ad hockery defense of familialism (Editor's note: is there a more accurate alternative word here?), which is increasingly becoming common here in this community for some reason.
KIRO (supporting SRID): I've noticed the same trend. As someone who never wants a family it's extremely tiring that the family-first norm is pushed so hard here. It's the last place I would expect it so I'm really curious why that is.
In fact, this is a real conversation from the thread I linked in the comments!
The word I'm looking for is an adjective that describes BOB, and the connotation of disapproval (inherent to the meaning of this word) comes from DRETA, SRID and KIRO.
BOB is such a ______.
The ______s have hijacked our programming topic, and began pushing their agenda again!