I'm working with football (the European variant) commentary, looking at word frequency. Often enough, the commentary will spell their excitement by writing 'Gooaal', which for the purposes of my word frequency is different from the properly spelled 'goal'. I'm considering capturing these cases by removing all successive duplicate letters. This question is not about how to do that, but I need a guess of how big an error will I create with this technique.
How many words collapse to the same word (string) if one remove duplicate letters? I need a just rough estimate. My guess is less than 1‰ but I'm not a native speaker so I may miss cases.
To make it clearer, here is the first paragraph of this question after running it through the algorithm:
I'm working with fotbal (the European variant) comentary, loking at word frequency. Often enough, the comentary wil spel their excitement by writing 'Goal', which for the purposes of my word frequency is diferent from the properly speled 'goal'. I'm considering capturing these cases by removing al sucesive duplicate leters. This question is not about how to do that, but I ned a gues of how big an eror wil I create with this technique
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