If I shared something with someone and you wanted to describe me in that context using only one word, you might call me the "sharer" or "owner". What word could the person I'm sharing with be called? Is he or she simply the "recipient" or is there a better word?
I am looking for a word that fit well as a Java class property name (don't let that discourage you from answering if you're not a software person).
For the software minded, I am writing a web app that uses Dashboards as the primary UI. A user can have multiple dashboards and can share them with other users.
public class Dashboard {
private String owner; // username of this dashboard's owner
... // rest of the class
public class DashboardShare {
private List<String> sharedWith; // <== I want to rename this property
private Dashboard dashboard;
... // rest of the class
Thanks in advance!