This question here asks about where as a subject in relative clauses:
As can be seen from my specific questions at the end (as opposed to the back-story), the specific question here is more fundamental and more general.
I have a Taiwanese friend who asks me for English help with some regularity. I believe I am almost always able to furnish them with the correct answer, but the latest topic is one of which I'm unable to explain the 'why'.
The sentence in question:
The office will be moved to a place which/where is near my apartment.
I said it should be
The office will be moved to a place which is near my apartment.
(or: a place that is near my apartment ).
My friend asked '"Why? Doesn't where indicate a place?"
Erm, ... yes, but no... I can't explain the why of it, and now I'm really curious. When should we use where and when which or that? Any input will be much appreciated!