I am not sure if I framed the question right. I will explain, say I have two sentences that describe services provided by a company as below:

  1. We provide good quality of service.
  2. 1-year warranty on all moving parts.

As per my understanding, the first sentence is narrative and first-person point of view. However the second sentence is different, it is not narrative as per my limited understanding. So I looked up if its non-narrative. But as per information found online Non-narrative writing is almost always written from the third-person point of view would opt for "he," "she" and "they" statements.

So if the second sentence is not narrative and non-narrative, what you call such sentences that do not use I,We,He or She kind of statements?

  • 1
    "2." is not a sentence in the first place.
    – Kris
    Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 10:44

1 Answer 1


What makes the second sentence special is the lack of any verb. In linguistics, this is referred to as a zero copula, but generally native English speakers understand this as the abbreviated language of headlines and simple lists. Nevertheless, there is an implied verb, and in the context of the first statement, an implied subject as well (we).

[We provide a] 1-year warranty on all moving parts.

For the record, talking about narrative and non-narrative forms makes much more sense in the context of a story vs. a list of services.

And, regarding your question about sentences without pronouns, I think what you are referring to are sentences in the passive voice.

In the active voice:

  1. We provide a 1-year warranty on all moving parts.

And in the passive voice:

  1. A 1-year warranty is provided on all moving parts.
  • That makes it clear. Your way of answering is really good and made it super easy for me to grasp.
    – esafwan
    Commented Dec 29, 2017 at 11:02

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