Recently I have read one of the stories from Humans of New York and I came across such sentence:
she fully understood how things work here. She was a news reporter back in the Bahamas. But the only job she could get here was taking care of old people. My dad could only work construction. We moved to four different states just so they could find work. They always told me, 'Just study hard in school and everything will work…
I got interested why there is no preposition after work. I have always thought it is to work in construction/education/finance.
On the English Stack Exchange forum I only found posts connected to different prepositions following work but there were no threads about work standing alone before the name of a job. I couldn’t find any other examples of this kind on the Internet; they were all containing prepositions or the word order was switched into construction work. I’m not sure whether it’s legitimate usage or more slang-ish way of saying My dad could only work in construction jobs.
I work nights
,I work Saturdays in the run-up to Christmas
and so on.