One classic riff on the idea you ask about is known as "the Golden Rule—he who has the gold makes the rules."
According to Charles Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder & Fred Shapiro, The [Yale] Dictionary of Modern Proverbs (2012), the earliest print version of this saying appears in Earl Brill, Sex Is Dead (1967), in the following form:
The best I ever heard it stated was in a recent comic strip, "The Wizard of Id." The King was finishing up a speech with the exhortation, "And let us all remember to live by the Golden Rule." Someone asked the Wizard what was the Golden Rule, and he answered: "The one with the gold makes the rule."
Brill doesn't say when Johnny Hart and Brant Parker, writers of The Wizard of Id comic strip released the cartoon in question, but it might have been by 1965, because National League of Postmasters, Postmasters Advocate (1965) has this brief note [snippet view, date not independently confirmed]:
Wonder if it's true? We heard a new definition of the GOLDEN RULE recently. It went like this:
He who has the GOLD, makes the RULE!