Playwright and author Samuel Beckett made the following statement in regards to his short play "Breath", commissioned by one Kenneth Tynan.
"My contribution to the Tynan circus is a forty second piece entitled BREATH … It is simply light coming up and going down on a stage littered with miscellaneous unidentifiable muck, sychronised with sound of breath, once in and out, the whole (ha!) begun and ended by the same tiny vagitus-rattle. I realized when too late to repent that it is not unconnected with
On entre, on crie
Et c’est la vie.
On crie, on sort,
Et c‘est la mort.If this fails to titillate I hand in my aprob"
When I first read this, I presumed that the closing statement "aprob" was some writerly or theater-land slang for a commission or approval. However, on searching, all the results are circular and point back to this quote. It was originally given in an autobiography of Beckett, which does not define the term.
I cannot find any reference to it as an abbreviation, contraction or acronym. Apparently it is Romanian for "approval" which is a possibility, but it barely makes sense. I find it hard to believe that a writer of Beckett's stature would be using Romanian or made-up words in his correspondence. What does it mean?