
The employee went to their manager for help on how to perform a task that was new to them. However, the manager told them that they should know how to perform this task and refused to train them.

The manager is ...

Note: In this context, the manager should have no expectation that the newly hired employee should know how to perform this task.

Bonus: The employee is ...

  • 1
    A poor manager.
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 0:56
  • The manager is hiding the fact he doesn't know how to do it either.
    – jxh
    Commented Oct 20, 2017 at 3:06

2 Answers 2


The employee is untrained

has not been taught the skills that they need for a particular job, activity, or situation

I don't think there's a specific word for the way the manager is acting, but it would come under the heading of unsupportive

not providing support


I don't believe English has a single precise word to describe such a situation. Instead you might say the manager is being

  • ignorant (broadly an insult to behaviour seen as stupid)
  • pig-headed (broadly an insult for stubborn in a negative way)
  • patronizing
  • depreciative (by implictly saying the employee is lacking in a basic skill and therefore deficient)
  • unhelpful
  • contemptuous (by treating the employee with little respect)
  • and negligent (since presumably it is the manager's job to train).

A range of words also describe the employee, including:

  • ignorant (with a different connotation to the manager)
  • unskilled / incompetent (unfortuately that word is now too commonly meant as insult when it is a statement of fact, either the employee is competent to perform the task or he is incompetent)
  • is 'in a bit of a pickle' (colloquialism for any difficult situation)
  • aggrieved (because they have suffered a grievance and have a cause for complaint by the assumption and the unhelpfulness).

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