GothmoZulec is a home security robot for sale to consumers in the imaginary country of Serbia Nervada.
GothmoZulec has a special patented feature called "GZKillSpree," which when activated, causes the robot to go on a random killing spree until it is either destroyed or until its batteries run out.
Since this feature is extremely dangerous, it cannot be invoked without a password.
Moreover, the feature cannot be deactivated without the password, once it has been invoked.
Unfortunately, every GothmoZulec unit comes with the exact same factory-installed password.
Because of this, the Serbia Nervada legislature is currently debating whether purchasers of the GothmoZulec should be legally required to change the password, before using the robot for any purpose whatsoever.
There are currently three competing proposed bills to address this situation:
- All customers should be legally forbidden to change the password before using GothmoZulec
- All customers should be legally required to change the password before using GothmoZulec
- All customers should be legally free to choose whether to change the password before using GothmoZulec
Each proposal has its own "camp" of vehement supporters, and each camp bitterly opposes the proposals of all the other camps.
Tecap Tifek wants to write about this situation on his blog, and he wants to use a snazzy four-word title to attract readers:
The GZKillSpree __???__
The problem is, Tecap Tifek does not know what word to use for __???__
He wants to use:
The GZKillSpree Optarity Debate!
Where "Optarity" refers to the property of being either "required" "optional" or "forbidden".
But "optarity" is not an English word.
What English word can Tecap Tifek use to fill in the blank?