Although both these words have being treated with little regard for, does one convey something that the other one does not?

  • Our efforts were derided but we carried on the pursuit of success.

  • All that child needed was some encouragement in math, but her mother disparaged her before others so much that the child failed to shine in the test.

1 Answer 1


Deride is more emotionally charged -- it expresses contempt or ridicule. Here are two example sentences from its online OED definition

How can I recommend a film that is not only ridiculed by most fans, but also derided by most of the stars of the film?

The other parties have derided the proposal as a plan for a "fantasy island".

"Disparage" generally is less emotional. A couple of example sentences from the same source:

I would say persist and never minimize or disparage yourself or your abilities.

But when you're living with a person all your life, you, unknowingly, tend to disparage his worth.’

  • Yes, but surely it is worth mentioning that the specific emotional charge of deride is the implication of (scornful) laughter carried by the second syllable—which, like the first syllable in ridicule, derives from Latin ridere, to laugh. Commented May 7, 2017 at 14:38

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