"Murray has years of experience in family practice, but he is just a fledgling in surgery."

In the above sentence, is fledgling a noun or an adjective? Or, is it both? Is that why both noun and adjective definitions are present in the following Magoosh practice link?


Please provide references for your answer, if possible.

P.s. My punctuation needs work. If you notice any punctuation or grammar problems in my question, please say so!

  • It's a noun....
    – Hot Licks
    Commented Apr 4, 2017 at 12:16
  • 1
    It's an incipient noun - a fledgling on the verge of flying into full nouniness.
    – Drew
    Commented Apr 4, 2017 at 14:58

1 Answer 1


Well, we don't normally use article-adjective without a noun to modify (exceptions include uses like the poor, as noted below in the comment), so this is an article-noun structure. Let's take it out of context:

He is a fledgling.

Now, try it with an adjective:

He is a curious.

Not so good. Now, with a noun:

He is a carpenter.

That works. In your sentence, fledgling is used as a noun. To reword it as an adjective, we might say:

He is a fledgling surgeon.

But that was not your example.

See grammerly and grammarbook for adjective use instruction. And your punctuation looks good.


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