Got is a word almost unnecessary, at least it was so represented in an old (title forgotten) dictionary of Correct English Usage (or similar).
Consider a list of a day's events.
"I got woken up so I got out of bed. I got dressed and got myself tidy, and I got my bed made. Then when I got downstairs I found younger brother had got my chair. For breakfast we got porridge, then that got followed by smoked haddock. Mum got the dishes done and we got ready to go to school. When we got there..." and on it went for a full column of eight-point print. Then it had the same "story" retold without using "got" once.
Generally "got" is weak, there being so many more specific possibles to be used.
"I got robbed" makes you, the subject, a passive recipient of the robbery, and begs the questions "by whom? of what?" etc.
"I was robbed" removes your passivity, and still allows for more detail as with "got".
A quick way to check...
substitute either "became" or a synonym, or "received" or a synonym
E.g. I got a cold - I became a cold? I caught a cold?
as against: I got cold - I became cold or I received cold?